Category Archives: confusion

The Four-Word Phrase I No Longer Allow In My Life

As I look back at the 20 years I spent in an abusive marriage, one of the things that has bubbled up from those years is a four-word phrase that I consistently heard from some of my believing friends and church leaders and even a pastor or two.  I didn’t recognize the toxicity of those four words before, but now I have come to realize how cold, demeaning and shallow those words are.

As I tried to maneuver through my abusive “Christian” marriage, there were rare occasions when I dared to open up about the horror of my home life to people I thought I could trust, people whom I believed would take the time to hear me, acknowledge the wrong and encourage me to seek safety and peace for myself and my children.  Although I desperately hoped to receive some validation and emotional support, more often than not, the “encouragement” I received typically began with four dismissive words: “You just need to…” followed by one of these pat phrases:

…trust that God wants to heal your marriage.

…pray for your husband.

…be more loving.

…be more sexual.

…be more submissive.

…forgive him – often punctuated with the phrase “remember – seventy-times-seven.”

Then they might cast a sideways glance at me and saddle me with one more burdensome missive: “Remember:  God hates divorce.” *  And they would pat me on the shoulder and walk away, leaving me standing there feeling very much alone and wholly misunderstood.

 What those people were really saying was that my husband’s behaviors didn’t matter.  My suffering didn’t matter.  My kids didn’t matter.  I was supposed to trust that I was in God’s will, that God would surely make everything right eventually, no matter how ungodly and toxic our home was if I “just” did all the right things.

The word “just” implies that the solution is simple, something patently obvious and fail-safe.  If only…

I now believe that such tepid – but seemingly religious – reactions reflect the reality that it’s easier to put the pressure on the teachable, malleable marriage partner than to identify the potentially toxic, hostile one.  Of course, by acknowledging that there is abuse – and an abuser – any conversation about the situation may be viewed as gossip rather than compassion.  And, of course, coming alongside the one being abused might necessitate some measure of personal involvement in what is almost certainly a messy situation.  Who needs that?

No doubt, my husband understood perfectly well that the pressure was on me to “fix it,” and he liked it that way.  “You will submit to me,” served as a trump card when I dared to question his decisions or behaviors.  In this, he could rationalize anything he chose to do, because he had been ordained “head of the household.”  In fact, just a few weeks into our marriage, the man approached me in the family room and matter-of-factly stated, “Just so you know, I can treat you anyway I want, and as long as you don’t catch me in the act of adultery, there’s nothing you can do about it.”  And he walked away.

Continue reading The Four-Word Phrase I No Longer Allow In My Life

He Really Believes…

In my conversations with abuse victims, the above phrase is something I can typically expect to hear.

It begins with “He* really believes…” and ends with:

…his way is the right way.

…I’m the one with the problem.

…I don’t understand him.

…I should just trust him.

…he is justified in treating me the way he does.

…I’m a lousy wife.

Does he really believe those things?  If he does, then to my way of thinking, there are only two options.  Either: 1) he is painfully delusional, or 2) he is doing everything in his power to convince you that he believes those things of you.

Why would he do that?

Continue reading He Really Believes…

Life on the Other Side:  “The Best Christmas Ever”

Journal Entry March 11, 2003

I now look at life differently.  My children are more precious to me than ever.  I love to hear them laugh and to daily tell them I love them and kiss them good-night.  Colors seem more vivid.  The breeze on my skin is fresh and invigorating.  I find myself smiling for no good or apparent reason.  It is as though I have peeled off my old life, and a brand new one is emerging.  At 43, can life really begin again?  If so, I pray that I am living proof of it. Continue reading Life on the Other Side:  “The Best Christmas Ever”

Is He Throwing Mud at the Wall?

“The words of a wise man’s mouth are gracious; but the lips of a fool will swallow up himself.  The beginning of the words of his mouth is foolishness; and the end of his talk is mischievous madness.”  Ecclesiastes 10:12-13

King Solomon describes those who are swallowed up by their own folly, their own words betraying their “mischievous madness.”  Perhaps you have witnessed what he so eloquently described.

It happens when your priorities finally shift, when holding your unhappy relationship together is replaced by a deepening determination to break free.  But your abuser will realize he’s* losing his grip, and thus begins the next chapter in this ridiculous saga…

Continue reading Is He Throwing Mud at the Wall?

The Dreaded “D” Word

In my conversations with abuse victims, as I listen to them while they peel away layer after layer of marital heartbreak, there may come a point when I find myself engaged in an internal wrestling match, when I am thoroughly convinced that I need to use the dreaded “D” word, but I wonder:  Is it okay for me to say it?

Will the hurting soul on the other end of the phone freak out if I dare to mention divorce? Will she be able to even consider it?  Or will she feel obligated to tune me out based upon a supposition that I must be either ignorant of biblical teachings or shockingly flippant about marriage in general?

Once spoken, the word hangs heavily in the air.  For the terrible reality is that most of us have been indoctrinated to believe that the One who created marriage is unmoved by those who suffer in it, that hurting spouses will surely offend the Almighty and may expect to be abandoned by Him should they end their disastrous marriages.  Succumbing to divorce may bring with it a presumption of a shallow faith, marital laziness or even blatant disobedience.  No one wants that.

So as a sincere act of devotion to God, many flatly refuse to consider divorce as an option – period – committing instead to praying for their wayward spouse, striving to do all the right things, and proving their worth with the hope of earning their abusers’ love.  They live with a pained belief that restoration must surely be within reach. Holding on is the only acceptable option when it is presumed that God hates divorce.

Continue reading The Dreaded “D” Word