Tag Archives: abuser

“I’ve Changed”

“I’ve changed.”

Such are the easy words of an abuser.

It may feel good to hear them, and you want to believe them.  But what, if anything, has changed, and why?

Did your abuser confess the many, specific ways he* failed?  Did he admit to being a selfish, vindictive, manipulative micro-manager?  Did he concede that he wronged you in a thousand ways and humbly confess that he is horrified and grieved by the way he treated you and the cruel things he said to make you feel worthless?  Did he offer to separate to allow you room to grieve and heal while he works on the issues that he needs to address?

Or did he speak in vague generalities, rationalize his history, expect you to trust him and be patient with him on those occasions when he inadvertently fails again?  After all, you can’t expect perfection…

“I’ve changed” means he is not the person he was before.  There is no such thing as changing without changing.

Since time reveals truth, it probably won’t be long before you know whether he has actually changed – or not.  If he hasn’t, you are still living with an abuser, he is still abusing you, and it’s still wrong.

Words matter.  Or they should.

(*Although abusers can be of either gender, the overwhelming majority of abusers are male, therefore the abuser is referenced in the masculine.  The reader’s understanding is appreciated.)

Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Cindy Burrell/Hurtbylove.com

Selfish Giving

I was meeting up with my then-estranged husband at a local book store to transfer our son, Kyle, into his care so the two of them could spend the day together.  Meandering through the aisles while awaiting his arrival, the man suddenly approached me with a basket of chocolate-covered strawberries in one hand and a big smile on his face. 

Rather than feeling touched in any way, I felt kind of sick, but not knowing how to respond in the moment, I simply accepted the berries with gratitude.  The man then tried to enter into small talk with me and ended by asking me if I would like to go out for lunch or coffee sometime.  “No,” came the easy response, in spite of the gift I held in my hands and the fact that our son was observing the entire exchange.  After a couple more awkward minutes, the man and our eldest son finally headed out the door.

That evening, my then-husband called again and tried to talk me into spending time with him.  Not a chance.  After calmly shutting him down from every angle, I closed with, “But thank you for the strawberries.” 

“Whatever,” came his sarcastic reply, and immediately I thought to myself, “There it is.”  I knew those blasted berries came with strings attached – some kind of obligation that I refused to accommodate.  His plan had failed.

Since those days, I have heard and read similar stories and have known that this type of scenario represents a typical abuser strategy, but I didn’t know it had a name:  Selfish giving.*

Selfish giving has the appearance of selflessness, generosity or genuine care, but when you’re in an abusive relationship, it is almost exclusively another form of self-serving manipulation.  Selfish giving imposes an awkward pressure on the abuser’s victim to convey appreciation and – he hopes – an obligation to forgive any and all previous offenses and re-establish some degree of intimacy based on the perception of good will.

Selfish giving is simply another form of crazy-making designed to force you to let your guard down.  Any failure to respond according to the abuser’s anticipated expectations gives him ammunition to paint you as selfish, unfeeling and ungrateful.

Unfortunately, gifts are the abuser’s cheap, easy substitute for legitimate repentance and change.  But note…

  • A truly changed man is willing to identify and apologize for specific things he has done to hurt you;
  • A truly changed man recognizes that he alone is responsible for the changes he needs to make in his life;
  • A truly changed man will respect your boundaries and your need for time and distance to heal; and
  • A truly changed man is willing to acknowledge that his abusive history may have harmed the relationship beyond repair.

On the other hand, the unrepentant abuser believes a heart-warming gift will give the impression of genuine devotion and inspire renewed trust.  The abuser’s motives do not reflect genuine goodness but rather pure, unadulterated selfishness.

So know that you don’t have to participate in his game.

I know it may feel strange to refuse his gifts, offers of help or other seemingly selfless gestures, but when you do, you are refusing to give him access to your life or your heart and depriving him of the power he seeks.  You are setting an important boundary and letting him know that you will not risk jeopardizing your safety, peace and contentment for anyone – or anything.

“Thorns and snares are in the way of the crooked; whoever guards his soul will keep far from them.” Proverbs 22:5


For more on this subject, you might want to check out “Lessons In Crazy-Making.

*The dynamic was referenced by a commenter on another blog.

Abusers may be of either gender; however, the overwhelming majority of abusers are male.  For the sake of simplicity, the abuser is referenced here in the masculine.  The reader’s understanding is appreciated.

Cindy Burrell/Hurtbylove.com

Copyright 2019, All Rights Reserved

Ask Yourself One All-Important Question

Jesus said, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” John 8:32

Freedom is what Jesus came to offer us in all of its fullness, and that freedom is built upon a singular foundation:  truth.

That is why this incredibly powerful bible verse serves as the very heartbeat of what I do, whether in my writings or my one-on-one work with abuse victims.  For those in any form of spiritual bondage – held captive to lies, fear, confusion, shame or loss, freedom is the ultimate reward of seeing and fully embracing the truth, whatever it may be. Continue reading Ask Yourself One All-Important Question

Wisdom in the Counsel of Many?

“Without consultation, plans are frustrated, but with many counselors they succeed.”  Proverbs 15:22

We know there is wisdom in the counsel of many.  Even in the midst of overwhelming heartache and confusion, we may have some vague idea of what we want or need to do, but out of a sincere desire to do the right thing, we prefer to secure a measure of validation from others before we proceed.

Unfortunately, when dealing with an abusive spouse, some of our most well-meaning advisers may offer up various measures of godly-sounding legalism rather than the kind of balanced, practical support that the one living in the cross-hairs of an abuser desperately needs.

Continue reading Wisdom in the Counsel of Many?

Trusting Your Instincts

If you have followed me for any period of time or read some of my articles, you may know that I encourage those in abusive relationships to trust their instincts, to listen to what their hearts – and the Spirit of God – are saying to them.  Please forgive what may be redundant for some of you, as I share an important message with those who may need it.

Unfortunately, I learned the hard way the value of listening to that Voice above all others – even my own.  As a believer in Jesus and the living God who sent Him, I believe that our instincts are absolutely connected to the presence of the Spirit moving in our lives.  Yet how often do we choose to diminish, ignore or override what we sense to be right or wrong?  The issue is whether we are willing to live our lives without apology in the light of an uncomfortable truth or choose instead to defer – even with the best of intentions – to other, lesser voices.

Continue reading Trusting Your Instincts